Eric Mong

I am a

About Me

I am ex-product designer who became a self-taught developer specialising in frontend development with experience in backend development, blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Since young, I was a hands-on individual which eventually led me into designing and building hardware product during the first three years of my university. In my last two years, I dabbled into developing and realized the potential for me to develop numerous amazing applications.

While my education in my university mainly revolves around hardware development and very minimal courses on programming due to university restrictions, I took the initiative to have majority of my learning through online courses and subsequently took up multiple internships in Software Development to gain knowledge in the professional fields, understanding what are the practices adopted in the companies.

I am now seeking full-time or freelance opportunies where I can contribute my skills in coding to help a company to achieve their goals.

Work Experiences

Specialist, Graduate Associate

07/2021 - Present

Developed and maintained internal portals and APIs with C#, Java, Kotlin, Javascript and MySQL


10/2021 - Present

Developed minting dApps for my clients for their NFT launches

Software Engineer Intern

03/2021 - 05/2021

Developed open-source use-cases of Verifiable Credentials (VC) using Affinidi’s API/SDK

Developed internal issuance and public verification portal of VC for Affinidi’s PoCathon 2021

Part of the Technical Support team for Affinidi’s PoCathon 2021 to support queries on Affinidi’s API/SDK

Software Engineer Intern

08/2020 - 12/2020

Developed reusable components for front-end and wrote test scripts

Developed role-based access control proof-of-concept

Developed agencies workflow proof-of-concept

Product Development Intern

05/2019 - 09/2019

Developed an informational webpage on DBS's bereavement process

Featured Works

SUTDReviews View Project

SUTDReviews is a platform that allows SUTD students to put in reviews on the modules that they have taken allowing future students to make a more informed choice when choosing their modules that fits best to their interest and learning style.